Bridget McCrum

Bridget McCrum was born in 1934 and went on to train as a painter with Lesjek Musjynski at Farnham School of Art in the 1950s. From 1980 she began to work primarily in stone, having learned her craft from John Joeku and Andrea Schulewitz on the South Downs. McCrum also works with bronze, a metal she uses to cast many of her stone pieces.

Showing 1–16 of 95 results

Awakening, 2014

Bridget McCrum


Bridget McCrum

Blade Maquette

Bridget McCrum

Bridget McCrum: Chorus

Bridget McCrum

Bridget McCrum: Scroll

Bridget McCrum

Colly Birds

Bridget McCrum


Bridget McCrum

Crescent Birds (Maquette)

Bridget McCrum

Crescent Birds, 2016

Bridget McCrum

Dendera 2

Bridget McCrum

Duck Weight 37kg, 2012

Bridget McCrum


Bridget McCrum


Bridget McCrum

Flight I, 2019

Bridget McCrum

Flight II 2019

Bridget McCrum

Flight III, 2019

Bridget McCrum