Morito Toyonaga

Morito Toyonaga (b. 1976) is based in Okinawa. He studied sculpture at the Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts but works across many mediums, including print, ceramics, glass painting and lacquer, often collaborating with other artists and craftspeople. He has exhibited widely across Japan and his works have regularly been selected for the Japan Folk Art Exhibition. This is Toyonaga’s first exhibition in the UK.

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Adam, Eve and the Serpent

Morito Toyonaga

Daniel in the Lion’s Den

Morito Toyonaga

David and Jonathan

Morito Toyonaga

Habbakuk and the Angel

Morito Toyonaga

Jonah and the Big Fish

Morito Toyonaga

Kane and Abel

Morito Toyonaga

Samson’s Riddle

Morito Toyonaga

The Sacrifice of Isaac

Morito Toyonaga

The Tower of Babel under Construction

Morito Toyonaga

Tobias and the Angel

Morito Toyonaga
