64 x 111cm
The Tate Gallery included Vézelay’s textile designs in its 2017 retrospective exhibition on her work. She had already been commissioned in the late 1940s by Ascher & in the 1950s she created a series of simple butstriking abstract patterns for Heals composing of at shapes oating on dark backgrounds. Vézelay was considered by many including Paul Nash, to be a key gure of the Modern Art movement.
In 1926, the British artist Marjorie Watson-Williams moved to Paris & adopted the name ‘Paule Vézelay’. By the early 1930s she had become an active member of the Parisian avant-garde. In France, Vézelay lived with the Surrealist artist André Masson & met Kandinsky, Mondrian, Miro, Magnelli & Jean Arp. In 1934, Vézelay joined Abstraction-Création & exhibited in France.