Stone, ivory, inlay
H 22.2cm
This sculpture spans the decade of the 1950s and is a typical of work created at this time. Labelled Eastern Arctic as no records were kept and it is hard to establish the exact area where they were made. For the same reason we do not often know the name of the artists, which in no way diminishes the power and monumentality of the works.
Hunter, dated towards the end of the decade, while seemingly similar in form indicates agreater ease with depicting the human gure. He is caught in motion, stepping forwardand the details of his clothing are delineated. The artist of this sculpture, most likely from Nunavik, has used clay to make the inset face allowing both for greater modellingand more lifelike features than the simple at face of Standing Woman. Both are equallypowerful, but the hunter gives an indication of what was to come.
Nunavut is the largest of the regions in the Canadian Arctic and the first to achieve self-government. Stretching from Baffin Island across the Central Arctic, Nunavut incorporates many different local traditional cultures. There are three distinct regions within Nunavut allof which are re ected in the Nickolds collection.